Mesial Occlusion/Anterior Bite V

Eugene Shapinko

Module 5.
Mesial Occlusion/Anterior Bite

(2 day lecture, Day 3: clinical case presentation (VIP Training Club))

Dates: May 14-15, 2014

Event language: rus/eng

Topic 1: Principles of treating Class III malocclusion

  1. Principles of diagnostics: Clinical diagnosis, cephalometry
  2. Dental Class III: Signs, principles & types of treatment
  3. Quasi Class III: Differential diagnosis
  4. Skeletal Class III:
    • characteristics, maxillary deficiency or mandibular excess
    • principles & types of treatment: Face mask, Chin cap
    • age limitations
    • needs for RPE
    • extractions in Class III cases
    • principles of treatment success prognosis

Topic 2: Correcting transverse pathologies

  1. Principles of appliance usage to distract the maxilla:
    • SPE with the use of removable appliances and Quad Helices
    • RPE: biological foundation of application, types, regimens, adverse effects
  2. Orthognatic surgery:
    • principles
    • types
    • conjoint vertical pathologies

Topic 3: Clinical case presentation (VIP Training Club)

Length - 3 day. Price of 2-day lecture - 25’200 Rub. Price for the clinical presentation day (VIP Training Club) - 15’900 Rub.